“causing conservatives to abandon the organization. This leaves it in the hands of the radicals”
If this would have happened back when I was a scout, we would not have abandoned the organization. We would have created a climate where the gay scouts would want to abandon, if you get my drift.
A much better tactic than abandoning the organization to libtards, if you get my drift.
Guerrilla warfare is what troops need to pursue now to prevent wholesale destruction of a once fine organization. Announce that gay scouts are welcome to join, but they still have to keep the "morally straight" part of the scout oath, same as anyone else. Just as a heterosexual youth can't tent up with his girlfriend, neither can a homosexual youth do the same with his boy friend. And since no boy in their right mind would want to share a tent with a self-declared rump ranger, this will mean that he'll be camping alone.