I think the American people as a whole strongly favor this change in Scout policy. I don’t think very many will leave the organization, but even more may enter Scouting. The American people are liberally predictable.
Nope, what will happen is that membership will utterly collapse.
The gaystapo knows this. The BSA do not. They haven’t figured out what the others know - that the BSA doesn’t need these sponsors. They can get by on less money and more boys.
The ones who are pushing this agenda are not the people who would put their children into scouting. The BSA will figure this out soon enough when enrollment dwindles away to nothing.
You are wrong. How do I know?
1. Chik-Fil-A
2. Penneys
3. Even in CA the people keep voting against fag marriage. In CA!
Wrong. About half the population will hate this decision. We are not 100% left wing. May the left and all of those who agree with this decision slowly roast in hell.