Wake up, World!
Did any of the networks run this story today? Was it the lead? Or did they lead with "Our Glorious Prompter Reading Clown promised aid to Oklahoma"?
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The blood is on the hands of the british government that imported a wild animal and set it loose on the street.
Just more of that “diversity” and “multicultural” stuff that the commie libs love.
And nobody there had a gun to kill the son of a bitches?
I heard a sheriff on a radio show earlier today discuss illegal immigration and he said a growing part of the problem is too many Americans are busy texting and using cell phones and by time they realize what is happening, it is too late. I’m glad I’m not alone in that assessment. The zombie culture that walks with their heads down, pressing buttons in gadgets is clueless.
Coming to Amerika with amnesty .
Dumb Britain. Didn’t realize that being “inclusive” included beheadings in the streets, bombings, and assorted mayhem.
Are they unaware of the history of Islam? It’s not rocket science.
Must be a sufferer of SJS!
Another case of “workplace violence”?
Sounds like the police woman marksman knew what she was doing. No simple one-shot kill for the black perps. Make them suffer with muliple wounds. Apparently one blew off his own thumb with a rusty revolver.
The only way this country or any other will be safe is to round all these people up and send them home. Send them to Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Algeria where ever they came from. Do not allow them to travel and never let them into a civilized country again.
In related Muzzie news...
Riots grip Stockholm suburbs after police shooting
Why didn’t the cops that shot them just finish them there in the street so we could all see their damn heads blown off??? Not PC I’m sure...
Expel all mooselimbs from the Western world now.