It doesn’t work like that. It’s more like being abandoned by God because America has abandoned Him. It’s more like the country has shut God out, and God being a gentleman does not go where He is told He is not wanted. I’m afraid of being part of the whole “collateral damage” thing, too. But that’s for a Religion thread, which I generally avoid. When I started reading about how abortion even in Europe is limited to the first trimester, and how the US is up to its elbows in the blood of millions of innocents, I fear the righteous judgement that is coming.
So God supports abortion because he thinks children dying is “righteous judgement” for America? Aborted kids are just collateral damage? That’s what it sounds like you saying.
Weather sometimes just happens, especially during a long winter with sudden spikes of higher temps.
Extremely sad day today, but God is always there to comfort.