There can’t be a war on terror. Terror is a tactic and has existed for centuries. Calling this a war on terror is an excuse for politicians to use our military in any and all conflicts all over the world, on a whim, if they choose. This will ruin our military.
There was a reason the founding fathers wanted Congress to debate this and make an actual declaration of war against an enemy, rather than allow the president to do whatever he wanted.
The “War on Terror” is and has been a fraud since the beginning. After 9/11 Bush kept the borders wideopen, shipped in hundreds of thousands of Muslims, and maintained close relationships with most fundamentalist dictatorships in the Middle East, foremost being Saudi Arabia. The DHS, TSA, Patriot Act, NDAA, militarization and federalization of local police, Fusion centers, warrantless spying, etc. was never for Al Qaeda boogiemen, who the US taxpayer is funding and arming to attack Syria, it was always meant to go after the American people. The phony War on Terror is propaganda meant scare the American people in giving up their liberty for illusory security.