The seat is now wounded, crippled and flawed, when it could have been strong and productive. Look at Trey Gowdy. You saw him at work today at the Benghazi hearings. All the tea party congresscritters from SC are *exemplary*. Can you picture Sanford as anything but an embarrassment?
Will he do anything but attract ridicule, and hold back any conservative momentum?
“I supported Mark Sanford against his opponent, Elizabeth Colbert Busch, with no regrets or apologies. Why? Well, I think I speak for millions of conservatives when I say that what cost Sanford his governorship was absolutely wrong and not to be excused under any circumstances. I would prefer that candidates such as him get primaried out of the equation (and that Sanford wasn’t is a different matter), but this didn’t happen. And while what he did was a sin, there are other kinds of sins as well.
One of them is advocating nation and culture-killing leftist policy.
SC’s special congressional election didn’t give us the choice between an angel and demon or even an angel and sinner. Rather, on one side we had a man who was unfaithful to his wife, a red flag telling us to watch him even more closely. On the other we had a woman who is unfaithful to Truth and everything good and great for which America stands, a redder flag telling us she should be dismissed promptly. For people such as Busch are ensuring that America won’t stand for long.”
From American Spectator