I’d love to see every neighborhood have a micro reactor that every 20 years the homeowners pay to have dug up and replaced. However there are a whole lot of people in government and corporations who make their livings off a large, complicated, inefficient and vulnerable power grid.
Can you point to a single technical article of any of the advanced contained reactors that mentioned cheap?
That absurd approach has been a puzzler to me. It can only be the result of what was truly relatively cheap oil, which created gigantic generating facilities which shrugged off the gigantic transmission losses (50% !) between generator and users.
Distributed generation makes more sense today., for anything other than hydroelectricity.
There are portable nuclear generators used by the military that can power a small town. I have never heard of a single instance of any alarming accident with those.
The problem is the metaphorical buggy-whip oil monopolies. They have most criminal politicians and neurotic doom and gloom idiots in their pocket.