Morning AB, All....
Sang at 8:30 mass, now back home.
Doing okay for the most part.
Except for those awful people telling me to remove my fence, it is on their property. Here I sit with a lawful, signed and certified copy of survey taken when I bought house, ten years ago. It has a copy of the fence and it most certainly is within my property line as surveyed.
In 2013, guy behind me takes another survey, according to their folks, my fence is in their property line.
So the Sussex county department of land or some such sends me an email and also demands that I move my fence or the “constable” will get involved.
What about MY little piece of paper saying my fence is within my line? What, some guy gets another survey ten years later and HIS is the right one? How much money are these people paying for this?
How’s this for a headline....”newly widowed woman shot by constable in a gun fight resulting from woman trying desperately to save her fence which keeps in her dog that she desperately needs in her time of griving” ?
Like that?
Do I really need this people? I spent last night head in arms just sobbing. Also, get this, both my shed and MY WELL are also on his property line....dear Lord....doesn’t MY survey mean anything? For the county land guy just sent me a note to move my fence...nothing about MY survey....done when I bought my house as the law requires. So I guess I am what.....chopped liver?
Anyway, morning AB....obviously I will fight this, but of course....and thank you AB for doing this thread.
Watching Meet the Depressed now, taped Fox News Sunday....let me catch up.
Time to call that lifelong buddy of yours who is a lawyer...
Look into eminent domain rules. My understanding is that if you have had your fence up for at least 10 years, you’ve established an easement & they can’t force you to take it down.
My sweetie had a piece of property years ago, where a neighbor came over & was getting ready to put a fence post in the middle of what was his driveway. The driveway was there when he bought the property & had been for years. He told the neighbor ‘no’ & it stuck. I hope you won’t have to pay for a lawyer, but if the other side pushes you might have to find one.
Your neighbor is a crank. Even if it turns out your surveyor made a mistake, you probably own the property anyway, by law of adverse possession.