So I ask, why should I defend the parasite society they want, whether they are the poor or the rich? I know the parasites won't defend their country. There is definitely a moral component that allows parasites to steal from “others” and drives “others” to resent carrying the load for the parasites, but did technology bring this about?
Perhaps education is part of the problem as well that we think we are so much smarter than we are. I'm certainly not against education but we seem to have extracted all of the arrogance from it and not developed the wisdom required to use what we know for the better and not the worse. The elitist that want to run everything certainly lack wisdom. Pride cometh before the fall?
These are all things to ponder but personally, I think we may be doomed though we may be able to purchase a temporary reprieve.
The USA Republic has already fallen between 1933-2016, starting in 1933 with FDR, but the first cracks were the “Progressive Amendments” and there has been some upswings here and there like Reagan and Eisenhower and some areas of Stasis like GHWB and GWB, and declines like Rosevelt, Johnson, Carter, Clintoon and Obama.
We are now the “American Empire” and Empires usually take a LOT longer to fall than republics because there is a stranglehold onthe power by the elite much more so than the fragile construct that is a republic...
The first thing to crack a republic inthe populace and politican figuring out how to buy votes and power with the handing out of government monies....
The Era of the Republic ran from 1792-1860, then 1868-1900
With the civil war being a breif respite in it as we were under cetral control for a while and ending with the Progressive era of crap.
Therefore it was necessary to provide welfare on an unprecedented scale ~ hence, bread.