Yep, scandalous.
As a shrink, I tell prospective patients up front that I will not participate in any way in efforts to get any disability or special compensation in legal or employment matters. I am a doctor: I diagnose illness and prescribe treatment. That’s it. My job is to get people well, not get them a government check, or FMLA, or workers’ comp, or a pain and suffering settlement. Their attorney may send for records, and I am required to honor such requests, but that is all.
There is also an unspoken rule at the clinic where I have my practice: we accept Medicare only for people over 65. That weeds out the majority who will fight to the death to stay “sick.” I’m not interested in people who want to stay sick when I can get them well.
“There is no substance more addictive than a monthly check from the government.”
Concerning such government programs: “If you build it, they will come.” The lawyers and the government itself will make sure that that is true.
“”we accept Medicare only for people over 65””
Who is eligible for Medicare BEFORE 65?
Two Shrinks I met Damn near killed my wife because to two did not know what Serotonin Syndrome was. Can you guess the uneducated one who figured it out for them was? Why was she seeing a Shrink? For PTSD where a stupid dentist nearly killed her with the wrong pain medication that put her into a Coma. I kid you not.
I took my wife in for an emergency appointment with her shrink because she was very agiated and very confused. This had never been her mental state. Dr FeelGood said well lets up your Zoloft and see me in a month. By the time we got home she was pyschotic as in halucinating and we went to the ER. There she went unconscious. Now that should tell any doctor Hey something very wrong is happening this is not a mental issue once she was unconscious. Not one of six doctors did a PDR on her Meds. Having a patient off all meds for 48 hours but Ativan and the symptoms clearing should tell them something. They should have really giotten a clue when Dr Feelgood walks in and says Up the Zoloft and in one hour of injestion she was out of it. Nope all of that went right over their professionally trained heads.
Darn Shrinks refusing to think outside their Pharmaceutical box darn near killed me as well. How many of your male patients you prescribe Paxil or antidepressants too do you tell them watch for bladder blockage? That can lead to Dysreflexia. That can cause death.