Boston Bombing ping!!
The Daily Mail article!
Butchie Napolitano needs to resign for not doing her job. She was too busy chasing the TEA Party while the Islamoterrorists were scheming to kill MORE Americans.
It’s because we need immigration reform to find out who’s here..../sarc
I hope people start to realize what a usurper we have in our WH.
Obama had been warned by Russia- twice and Saudi Arabia- once.
Obama let the bombers act - on purpose.
Now he is protecting the Boston bomber while threatening the Benghazi Victims.
Obama must be arrested, taken to GITMO for aggressive interrogation to learn who his cell handlers are.
Did they let it happen in hopes of getting radical guns laws passed in it’s wake?
Even this article makes Tamarlan the bad guy (The dead one).
No need to focus on poor misguided Johkar. /s
Going down on “Berber” carpet?
How many times must this be posted before the American public understands they’ve been gang banged and lied to by corrupt government?
Lets just open our immigration and borders to anyone who wants to kill, crap on, and gang rape our system...
The crap with this administration is just endless!!!
In a sane world, this would lead to a massive collapse in confidence in this administration. Instead, I bet it doesn’t even cause a blip.
The hounds wail for the dead.
Time for a class action suit against the Bath-House Barry Gubmint and all it’s idiot employees by the victims of the Boston bombing.
There is NO WAY such a letter would not be read by the head of the department so Big Sis is on the hook for sure here.
The Big O has got to do something here as this is getting too close to the Oval Office for him. Bus will be doing a run shortly.
His Excellency must be worried about quite a bit, for example, todays rambling “news conference” was announced with only a few hours notice. Almost like let’s go out and shift the spot light. The boy king is worried because his media buddies cannot hold back the tide now, too many items hitting the news from too many different sources about too many different subjects. Political Kemo is having little affect on the cancer upon this presidency. The only thing for boy wonder to do now is to come up with some kind of diversion: Stock market crash; war; pandemic something to get on the front page and stay there for a long time. His immigration plans are DOA; Gun control is waning (even with help from a few fellow traveler RINOs; Obamacare is more hated then ever; his entire legislative ideas are being undermined by events out of his control. If a few dem senators leave the fold, he will really have to worry about surviving an impeachment perhaps too. Pass the popcorn.
Was he the US citizen or the one denied citizenship
ob@ma knew and did nothing
everywhere he goes he turns over control to the muslim brotherhood.....
when will he be tried for treason against the United States of America
This proves to me that this bombing was allowed to happen.
I don’t know what makes me more furious, Zer0 sleeping during Benghazi, Hilary saying, “What difference does it make?” or Big Sis dropping the ball on the Tsarnaev brothers. Please make this nightmare go away! I can’t stand to watch this abortion called the Obama Administration!
I’ll say it again in this thread: I’m not clever enough to know exactly how or by whom, but I think we’re being played here.
Do we have two greater enemies in the world than Russia and Saudi Arabia? Why are they now our best friends, warning us repeatedly about the dangers of terrorism?
Does anybody buy this?
Can anyone who understands disinformation better than I do give some insight into this?