That;s ridiculous. immigrants vote democrat. that was the purpose of the 1965 Kenedy immigration act. 80% of the immigrants since that act are from the 3rd world sewers and most are non-white( the media and democrats use racial and cultural marxism to turn the U.S. A into a socialist hell hole). as a result of this racial marxism 92% of Blacks vote democrat, over 70% and growing of hispanics vote democrat. new immigrants even higher. in the cities there is huge voter fraud in black and immigrant communities. ever tried to talk a liberal out of voting democrat? you'd have better luck converting a Muslim
these immigrants are from the 3rd world and they hate America, middle America, and Republicans.
immigrants are not Americans. they don't believe in small government , freedom, middle America etc.
I don’t know about that. I’ve met some very political Hispanics in my time. Once they have their feet planted they tend to be conservative in nature or at least the ones I’ve been around. They’re told they’re supposed to be Democrats by the Democrats but if you watch them they live like a conservative