“Some people are also connected to..
f r i e n d s.”
It is unlikely that you’d ever behave towards your friends in the overtly sexual and provocative manner that sociopaths use on virtually everyone. “The Sociopath Next Door,” http://www.amazon.com/Sociopath-Next-Door-Martha-Stout/dp/0767915828
contains an excellent profile of how they act.
The French Canadian airline steward largely responsible for the AIDS epidemic had hundreds of sexual encounters a day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ga%C3%ABtan_Dugas
Graetan Dugas convinced literally thousands that they were special and that love at first sight was possible. He was the stereotypic sociopath. Towards the end when he knew he was the cause of the epidemic, he’d leap up after inseminating someone and yell, “I’m dying of the gay disease and now you are too!”
I have seen people behave sociopathically in a non-sexual context.