Watch and see, the left’s instinct to find a sympathetic victim will settle on the “beautiful” younger terrorist brother, not the 8 year old victim of his bomb. From here forward the 8 year old will receive as much sympathy from the left as the late term babies who had their spinal chords cut by Kermit Gosnell, which is to say, precisely none. The 8 year old will be forgotten and the younger brother will become the object of their attention and their sympathy.
“...and the younger brother will become the object of their attention and their sympathy.”
I detected some of that today as I watched the network reports. A couple of times they wondered if the younger brother was being “mind-controlled” by the older brother. The liberal media are planting the seeds of victimhood for the younger brother.
Let’s see how many very stupid lovelorn young women will ‘fall in love’ with this cretin thinking their love will find purpose. Wait for it but its coming.