Why pray tell do we as a nation and our media have to make every crisis about everything
My tears welled up listening about the dead child and the dead young woman...as a parent of many..it's hard to hear that
But while I feel so much empathy I do not need to be a part of it.
We do this now with evertyhting..
I know we did not do this with every WWII setback or horror or after Korea or Vietnam or national tragedies back then
I recall Vietnam horrors...Hamburger Hill or Hue or the A Shau..we didn't have memorial services on TV for pols and interfaith religious services broadcast by Walter or Chet or David or Roger or Eric
or after Hurricane Camille which i was in...there was none of that nationwide...no Bruce Springsteen running to make a splash
this sort of stuff about memorializing for closure every tragedy is a sign of a weak culture
bent on accommodation and instant relief rather than a sound course of victory
it's insidious
Insightful post.
The ribbons, bunnies and balloons are trite, superficial offerings.
Private, silent prayer in somber reflection would be far more appropriate - but this is the age of exhibitionism and excess - regardless of the occasion.
And the leading from behind continues.
Well said, daddy.