Governor Haley inadvertently caused all of this: by selecting Scott for the Senate seat, she opened up a House seat that was highly vulnerable. Of course, DeMint caused it too, for if he had remained in the seat to which he was elected, there would be no Sanford House candidacy in 2013.
Wrong. This House seat was NOT highly vulnerable. It's a solid Republican district that the Democrats haven't won since the 70's. It's an overwhelmingly conservative district. Like an R+11 or more district.
The reason we may lose here is because Sanford is a selfish jerk and the primary voters are idiots. This can't be blamed on he "establishment", the media or anyone other than the voters who decided to believe Sanford's "give me a second chance" b*llsh*t. If we lose here we will almost certainly retake the district in 2014 - but in the meantime we will have to put up with Stephen Colbert's liberal sister representing a bright red district.
Republican primary voters really need to wise up. No more horribly flawed candidates. No more nominating idiots like Sanford, O'Donnell, Angle, Akin, etc. It's staggering how many seats we just throw away. The Democrats must be laughing at our special election track record.