Man previously carrying a black backpack has moved away from the scene prior to the black with out his backpack
I think this label in the photo has the chronology backwards. I think he still has the backpack, but has set it on the ground at his feet.
There is a larger version of this photo here:
In the larger version, we can see the race clock (not real time, but race time) says 2:35. The bombing was at 4:09 race time.
There are other photos which show the crowd having thinned out and the two guys having moved up to where the bomb blast occurred. In these photos, the guy with the black backpack is seen with his backpack, so he probably also has it in your photo, but we just cant see it.
In any event, LEO knows who these guys are and are checking them out.
“All suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court a law.”
All suspects are PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
We can presume them guilty all we want but it’s not the best idea.