Precisely - I've maid this point a few times. What drives a lot of conspiracy stuff, stupid statements like "there are no coincidences" are people's understanding of the world being driven completely by TV and film.
Sure, there may be one red herring in a TV crime drama, or there may be a dramatic twist at the end, but what you don't have that the real world has is an immense amount of inaccurate, meaningless "noise." CSI doesn't have botched lab tests, or preliminary tests for a poison that turn out to be wrong. Crime movies only have witnesses that lie - they don't have witnesses that were simply mistaken. They don't have time to include all those things and they don't "move the plot" along.
Only a handful of movies may escape this - something like Kurosawa's Rashomon, and other remakes based on that same plot premise.
Except I don’t watch TV shows. The only thing I watch is news and political blogs for the last 12 years.
It is no conspiracy that this administration is the most dishonest,incompetent and dangerous to the survival of this country we have ever known. Benghazi and Fast and Furious proves that. Now back to regular programming.