To: sickoflibs
I think Coburn term-limited himself to two terms in the Senate. It will be good when he is gone; I one thought he was the best senator since Helms, but no more. OK people though probably don’t know how he has turned left.
40 posted on
04/11/2013 9:16:20 AM PDT by
Theodore R.
("Hey, the American people must all be crazy out there!")
To: Theodore R.
Okies get a chance to replace Coburn with a Ted Cruz clone.
To: Theodore R.
RE :”
I think Coburn term-limited himself to two terms in the Senate. It will be good when he is gone; I one thought he was the best senator since Helms, but no more. OK people though probably dont know how he has turned left.” I am suspicious of anyone regularly praised on the Morning Joe.
If this bill dies as PD predicts then I will see differently.
43 posted on
04/11/2013 9:18:44 AM PDT by
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