indeed...God Bless Them. They are becoming fewer, as their ranks are thinning.
I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood in Boston, Complete with Kosher butchers, synagogues on every corner, and a local Yiddish newspaper.
There was another barber on Blue Hill Av, too. He was Leonard Nimoy’s dad. Leonard attended the Orthodox Synagogue Mishkin T’fillah, which practiced the Priestly Blessing at Rosh Hashanah. Leonard, who was not yet Bar Mitzvah, was not supposed to look at the Cohan’s HANDS. But he sneaked a peek, and the gesture turned into the Vulcan Salute, many years later.
I worked in a kosher nursing home, and Leonard would come and visit a family friend there on occasion. And William Shatner’s wife (the one that died), went to high school with my sister. She was gorgeous.
So you are right about lives touching.
Live long and prosper.