My point is, why bother with the U.S. as a pickup and delivery point if the U.S. is going to be so anal about what is or isn't a drug?
Why should UPS have to care anyway? Their job is to ship parcel A to point B.
Now, the drug warriors want them to concern themselves with parcel A.
That is not their job.
They were trying to increase traffic from the phamaceutical industry.
Not everybody is honest. They ended up doing business with people not otherwise obeying EXISTING LAWS.
UPS has experts in their company who are supposed to review these new alliances so that this cr*p doesn't happen.
They let down on the job.
UPS is not operating in the same environment as guys running cement mixers up and down the road. Otherwise I might agree with you. Alas, I had to spend a lot of time studying the transport rules and the pharmaceutical rules so that I could make rulings on related matters. They are complex ~ again, not cement trucks!
Think of UPS as a parcel and express compay that owns a major airline. Think of Fed Ex as an airline that owns a parcel and express company. Think of USPS as the folks who rent the unused space in the Fed Ex and UPS planes to carry mail across the country and around the world.
Watching out for mad bombers is a problem for all of them, and the same for the crazoids sending stuff out of ignorance ~ all of them have to watch forthis stuff ~ and then there are the criminal enterprises ~ none of them wants to be the carrier of choice for the Zeta Cartel!
We aren't talking about your surreptitious shipment of cocaine BTW