The gays have taken control of the media and entertainment, which frankly has a huge role in forming peoples opinions on the issues of the day.
And...**Education**! Both university levels and K-12.
Gays are also moving into K-12 schooling, and remember! Gays hire Gays!
They’re doing very serious damage to society through the blacklisting of anyone who disagrees with them.
Art, literature, science, medicine you name it. If you disagree with the left on any subject they will give bad reviews or otherwise ostracize you regardless of the quality or validity of your work.
Ben Carson is one of the finest brain surgeons in the world and students at UofM are now calling for his speech there to be canceled because he doesn’t toe the hard left line.
These people are dragging us into the dark ages with their hate.
Coming soon to the military, especially the JAG offices.