That battle was lost half a century ago with the introduction of the pill, effectively divorcing sex from reproduction. 99% of people fornicate before marriage, most women married and not take birth control, Roe is now 40, the Biblical idea that sex = children is basically dead and buried in a pit with 50 million aborted babies.
“That battle was lost half a century ago with the introduction of the pill, effectively divorcing sex from reproduction. 99% of people fornicate before marriage, most women married and not take birth control, Roe is now 40, the Biblical idea that sex = children is basically dead and buried in a pit with 50 million aborted babies.”
I’m afraid your missing the point entirely BurningOak.
Without children the LEGAL bonds of matrimony are nothing more than a expensive burden signifying mistrust and instability between the man and woman.
Despite religious and legal connotations historically and as you pointed out congruently marriage has little to do with sex. even a thousand years ago it was normal for men to “sleep around”. The marriage was to help insure he returned with his resources to one “legitimate” woman & family.
We're mostly in agreement, but let's avoid making the statistics look even worse than they already are.
Yes, we all know that the pre-marital, non-marital, and extra-marital sexual numbers are horrible, but they haven't quite yet reached the 99 percent threshhold.
As a Calvinist I don't like even sounding as if I'm boasting in my own righteousness, but it is a matter of simple fact that I did not fornicate before marriage and have not committed adultery in my marriage. I can make a long list of sins I have committed, any one of which warrants eternal damnation apart from the blood of Christ, but those two aren't on the list.
My concern here is that when we say that virtually all Americans fornicate before marriage, the result is we give too many young people the idea that “everyone is doing it anyway, so why shouldn't I join the fun.”
It simply is **NOT** true that “everyone is doing it.”
If you had said "many people" or even "most people" fornicate before marriage, I wouldn't have disagreed. My problem is with the 99 percent number.
Let's admit the reality that we have a major problem with immorality inside the church, but let's not make the problem worse than it already is.