To: eyedigress; namsman
"Public Square Hanging. Grab a chair from the school and force the entire school to attend. Attach a rope through a pulley and tie it to a horse. Shoot the bastards in the nuts right next to the horse. Take bets on the seconds the twitching stops.""Order school kids back to class for a pop quiz."
I Like the way you think!
69 posted on
03/22/2013 2:42:57 PM PDT by
(6 things you can't have too much of: sex, money, firewood, horsepower, guns and ammunition.)
To: FRiends
70 posted on
03/22/2013 2:44:12 PM PDT by
(Scrutinize our government and Secure the Blessing of Freedom and Justice)
To: SW6906
Just your ABC’s.
Animals, Biology and Crime.
83 posted on
03/22/2013 3:09:14 PM PDT by
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