Oh yeh, just try offending the Gay Lobby, or Cair, or any of the other dozen or so lobbies, then come back here and tell us all about free speech.
We're not disagreeing.
The First Amendment is our protection — sometimes the only protection we have left — when liberals become hypocrites and start advocating intolerant attacks on “hate speech.” But because the Constitution is a secular document, it provides only partial protection at best. Obviously, when push comes to shove I'll take the Bible over the Constitution, but fortunately we don't have anything in our founding documents in America that contradicts Scripture. There are nations where Christians can't say that. Being a good Christian citizen of China or of the former Soviet Union presents challenges we don't face.
I'll give the CAIR people credit in at least one area. They really are being consistent with their principles of jihad. Islam is an inherently intolerant religion which will use persuasion and debate in places where armed force is either impossible or impractical. For a liberal to deny free speech is hypocrisy; for a Muslim to use free speech as a means to an end is entirely consistent with their core beliefs.
Of course, just because someone isn't a hypocrite doesn't mean they're right. Islam and liberalism are both wrong and both need to be fought.