“Secure the border;”
That alone is an extremely difficult proposition, walls are designed to keep army’s out not individuals. The only thing I can think of to keep people from illegally crossing that border is landmines so that all but the most desperate would be too terrified to try.
As it is right now they are already braving the natural hazards that claim many of their lives. The draw must either be strong or the population ignorant of the dangers.
I suspect its both but nonetheless the border traffic seems to flow like water. No sooner do we throw someone out than they come back in.
” deport illegal aliens on contact with police;”
This could be and is done but it requires State support.
Support we only have in a handful of states(like Arizona, not California) as well as federal willingness to do their own job and pick up & deport the illegal aliens rather than fool around for 6 months.
Obviously we don’t have that with the Obama Administration nor will we have that ever again unless we are able to get a conservative.
Once again that requires State support, and perhaps federal prosecution. Which we don’t have in Washington and will never again have in many states already overrun by with populations sympathetic to the invasion.
” prosecute employers.”
This is already happening but once again if it is to mean anything we must have State support, Washington simply does not have the man power nor on the ground knowledge to carry out such an operation.
Even the Federal IRS operates mostly by terror.
All I hear from you are excuses.