Being that his father is IN Texas, I would imagine he knows the situation quite well.
What some don’t understand is the political maneuvering going on behind the scenes. Sen. Paul is making the Left prove that southern border is secure. (which, as we all know, isn’t)
BTW Rubio is a problem, not a solution. The Establishment has taken him under their wing.
“Sen. Paul is making...”
An ass of himself and a mockery of the whole idea of ‘citizen’.
There. Fixed it.
Neither of the Pauls have shown any evidence of the situation.
Nor has anyone in congress.
Nor has the US reps of the Catholic church.
You seem to be defending Paul and criticizing Rubio when they both support paths to citizenship for illegals. Hmmm?
Rubio is a total fraud. He is Hispanic first and foremost, and that mean amnesty.