Iraq was payback by Dubya for Sadaam Hussein’s attempt to assasinate Bush 41.
Basically Iraq had nothing to do with the 9/11 attackss - 9/11 was just used as an excuse.
It was not only a mistake to invade Iraq - it was poorly conceived and executed at high levels.
In the almost 12 years since 9/11, under republican and democrat presidents, we have spent trillions of dollars, cost the lives of thousands of our finest military men and women, and made the mid-east more militantly muslim and more anti-American.
Who says bi-patisanship is dead?
Really sad we have had only one good president in the past 50 years. It has become our undoing.
Don’t let the erosion/theft of freedom by the lousy CFR members go un-noted either, as war is the lifeblood of the state.