How many teenagers regularly get drunk and abuse other illegal substances on a regular basis? What makes you think they would have the common sense not to try it at one of their parties if it could be purchased legally? And lets add cocaine to the mix too...........
The potential for addiction to cocaine, crack or heroin is immediate upon first use unlike tobacco or your first beer which neither one was pleasant and required repeated use before you finally tolerated it.
The first and only time I tried coke, the high was immediate, the feeling was great and there was no foul taste in my mouth or a next morning hangover.......I had the common sense never to try it again. But then again I wasn't a teenager out to get high on weekends........
How many teenagers regularly get drunk and abuse other illegal substances on a regular basis?
Are you a teenager?
What makes you think they would have the common sense not to try it at one of their parties if it could be purchased legally?
Nobody advocates legalization for teenagers. Teens report nationwide that they can get the illegal-for-adults drug pot more easily than legal-for-adults beer or cigarettes; the evidence is that the most effective way to keep pot out of teens' hands is to legalize it for adults - so sellers have an incentive not to sell to kids (namely, the loss of their legal adult sales).