They SAY abortion should be legal and RARE:
Why not take them at their word...? What is the mechanism for ENSURING that it is, indeed, rare...?
Shouldn’t confidential records (similar to form 4473) be kept and periodically POLICED, the better to ensure that abortion is not abused as a form of contraception..?
Why not take them at their word...?
They’re not EXTREMISTS, right..? This would be to assure the QUALITY of abortion, and to make sure it is RARE.
They’re not EXTREMISTS, right? Or ARE they...?
Surely they won’t reject this ONE LITTLE measure..?
In order to assure women’s reproductive health, we should have REPRODUCTIVE POLICE:
They’ll be armed and badged. They’ll coordinate with clinics to assure clean and safe facilities; they’ll HELP them.
Like big, ole PALS.
Now, they’re won’t be dynamic entries and body-slams, good Lord, no...!
Not at first, anyway. Not for a really long time —probably.
“Bureau of Anesthetic, Tongs, and Fallopian tubes”; Safeguarding Womens’ Reproductive Rights.
This would all be before quizzes for abortion cards, abortion waiting periods, and raids on Junk Abortion Providers.