The **only** way to make the commies stop is to close down the government schools! Put these commies out of work. How?
Answer: Remove your children. Encourage others to do the same. Vote for representatives that are committed to privatizing K-12 schooling.
Fundamentally, government schooling is a socialist-funded, single-payer, compuslory-use and GODLESS entitlement. It is a price-fixed monopoly-cartel. NEVER NEVER NEVER in the history of mankind has it been possible to reform any program that is a socialist-funded, single-payer, compulsory-use, GODLESS, price-fixe monopoly cartel entitlement. Never!
Reform? GIVE IT UP!
I can just hear the screaming: "Oh, so you don't want our precious children to get an education? Troglodyte republican teabagger!"