Funny you should put it that way...
While Catholics believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it is true, one cannot take individual biblical quotes or passages and say each one is literally true, Pope Benedict XVI said....In his message, the Pope said clearer explanations about the Catholic position on the divine inspiration and truth of the Bible were important because some people seem to treat the Scriptures simply as literature, while others believe that each line was dictated by the Holy Spirit and is literally true. Neither position is Catholic, the Pope said.
-- from the thread How to Read the Bible as a Catholic [How? Don't take indv. verses as "literally true", says Pope]
Each verse in the Bible is literally true, the entire Bible is true, every verse of it, but that does not mean that it has to be READ and INTERPRETED literally.
That argument, that the Bible has to be read either/or, is simply disingenuous debating technique, attempting to discredit Bible interpretation.