Read what I wrote more carefully (”No one in the Bonus Army was shot or killed in the eviction”).
Police shot and killed two Bonus Marcher’s in a building prior to the eviction by the Army under MacArthur. That altercation lead to the decision to clear them out which happened later.
The Wkipedia link you provide describes this.
As I wrote, tear gas was used in the eviction and a baby did die to to exposure to the gas.
But the army did not fire upon or kill Bonus Marchers.
Many years ago in arguing with Chinese communist supporters I read a lot on this, including a book written by one of the March organizers, written in the 30’s to find out what actually happened.
Communists spread disinformation that the US Army fired and slaughtered these veterans and I wanted to find out what truth there was in their attempts to create moral equivalence between the US and communists regimes and what happened in events such as the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
You need to read the link more carefully. Two bonus marchers, other than the ones the cops shot, were shot and killed.