How can we get rid of these two amoebas? They are an embarrassment to the GOP.
WAAAA.....these two aging cry-babies are just upset because they weren’t the center of media attention at their Quisling Fest with The First Dictator last night.
Sheesh. Could you voters in AZ and SC please shut these two bozos up?
Out with the Old White Flag Republicans,
IN with the New Don’t Tread On Me TEA Party Republicans.
Is there even a shread of doubt left in ANYONE’s mind that McCain through the election on purpose to get Obama elected?
I hate that traitor McCain with the intensity of 1,000 suns!
WHY is it always these two?
Maybe McCain doesn't know drones were used to look for that killer cop in Los Angeles. Rand Paul's filibuster was a seminal moment in the necessary debate on how our gov't is going to use drones against the American People.
Obama has seized upon authority he would never have countenanced for his predecessor.
Rush Limbaugh had it right today in that McCain’s argument about raising citizens’ ire over “abusing rules of the Senate” being raised was just plain stupid.
Does he think that Americans loose sleep over abuse of Senate rules, this silly silly man? Thank God he got on the ball wasting so much political capital on that campaign finance reform stupidity that was also something Americans got all worried about....thank God for John McCain.
And Graham’s rhetorical question about just why Bush Dubya wasn’t given grief over drones I will ask Lindsay....
RAND PAUL, TED al....were not in the Senate during much of the Bush term. Only you old fart elected guys and we know what y’all think is important now don’t we?
This is the funeral button for Graham/McCain....they just look stupid on this one.
h/t to martin_fierro for the graphic
McCain: I dont think - - - “
Yup, we know McCain, we know.
This does not even make sense.
I think what they are really upset about is that he stole the spotlight from them (which was already fading) in their role as the point men criticizing Obama over the Benghazi debacle. That’s pretty pathetic. Paul did not do that to them when that was at its peak and indeed even joined them. This is petty jealousy...and very disunifying at a moment when it appeared we may be starting to get our act together for once.
> “said Mr. McCain, Republicans presidential nominee in 2008 who topped Mr. Pauls father, former Rep. Ron Paul, in that years primary. “
I do have to nitpick this, as it makes it seem like Ron Paul was a close runner-up. It’d be like saying Joe Montana “tops” Ryan Leaf in Superbowl victories.
In 2008, we were given a choice.
One one hand, we could vote for bitter, nearly-insane lyng marxist idealogue, and a murdering friend of the Police State and tyrannical oppression.
Or, we could vote for Obama.
One of these days we’re going to read that Linseed Goober Graham has been arrested for smuggling penises in his rectum.
John McCain is a collaborator.
It absolutely deserved an answer, and the fact that the obama administration obfuscated for so long rather than answering the question is what should have offended you, Mr. Graham. The fact that you are more critical of your GOP colleague than you are of the administration's response demonstrates that you are part of the problem.