Posted on 03/06/2013 9:53:49 AM PST by yoe
in Jesus name, Amen! Great post.
It is a wonderful sight to behold. I am so glad I am home to see this. About as important (at least to me) as watching a moon landing. I’m thrilled and honored to be a witness to it. This is what our government is supposed to be doing. It’s substantive, informative and is sorely needed. I would be totally incoherent by now if I was there. I give Senator Paul a huge amount of credit and those alongside of him doing the people’s work.
In the Senate, Rubio and Paul, who are both seen as possible 2016 presidential contenders, were awarded the Defenders of Liberty designation, receiving a perfect 100 percent score on their voting records, Politico reports.
Paul was one of three U.S. senators to score a perfect 100 percent rating from the Club for Growth in 2012, along with Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and former Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, who resigned his seat to take charge of the Heritage
National Journal ranks Rand Paul as the 6th most conservative Senator.
At least other GOP senators have contributed (and one RAT, Wyden). I don’t know what, if anything, they’ve planned on this, but it is possible for Paul to yield the floor to say, Ted Cruz and let him continue it. The risk is the next guy would then have the right to end it. It’s unclear what, if anything, is Paul’s long term strategy for this. But it was fun watching Harry Reid rebuffed in his private fiefdom.
also called my NC sen burr...we never hear from him except every six years or so...asked them to wake him up and do something to prevent a (the) maniacs in the white house from being able to kill Americans in America with American assets but the trigger being pulled by faceless robots against those who maybe opposing their political goals to destroy our country...that maybe already gone...maybe too late
“Dear Heavenly Father-
We can not fight this battle, against injustice, on our own. We know we need your mighty, out stretched hand to provide for us, because this is bigger than any of us.
Please bless this time, and these people, who fight for our rights. Please awaken the citizens. We ask, Father, we are given another chance to have a country that will bring glory to your name, Jesus. We thank you for the freedoms that we have received from your hand, we know they have not come to us easily or freely- and that good people have laid their lives down for us to be free, and we have taken them for granted. We have been lazy, we have expected other people to pay attention to the details. We have worried too much about being popular with people who oppose justice and freedom. And we pray and ask for your blessing going forward. Please provide strength and courage to the people who represent us in our government. Please build a coalition who desire peace and justice again. Please provide them with provisions for their battle- and please build a bipartisan fellowship, in Washington DC, to bring healing to our country. Please restore us to a country who knows, and stands for, and represents justice and mercy. Not just for us, the citizens, but that we are known around the world for having just and fair laws and dealings with others. We do not want an endless war with anyone. We wish peace for others, and for us, Lord. Let all good men and woman come to the aid of Senator Rand, if it is your will, to protect our rights, once again. Bless your name , Father. Bless those who pray these things along with me. Amen.”
AMEN and Amen and Lord give them strength
Thank you for your prayer!
Ken5050 posted this earlier
They are supporting Paul, in that they have promised to yield back the floor to him...technically Paul has NOT yielded the floor..rather, he is allowing them to ask "questions" or make comments..these can go on for as long as each senator chooses..this gives Paul time for a his voice..not sure about leaving the floor for a bathroom break..I believe, ( though not sure) that under the new rules the senator MUST remain on the floor; if another one want to join in..then Paul can yield the floor to him, and have it yielded back to him later..
to which I replied: Get the man a bucket, some liquids, and some food.
" Im dedicating myself to stay tuned to C-Span online and on TV for as long as he is on"
I agree! If he has the stamina to filibuster with substance, the very, very least I can do is support him by watching and praying.
Aside from that, I am riveted, and a drone over my house or a swat team breaking down my door couldn't tear me away from listening to this courageous act of "subversive" free speech.
If they want to stretch this out they need, to counter predictable media responses, to add Tim Scott to the rotation. I’d also suggest adding Deb Fisher and maybe Kelly Ayote (IF they’re convinced she’d play ball.) Don’t let it all be fairly white guys (media would ignore Rubio and Cruz’s Hispanic roots but Scott and the ladies would be harder to ignore.)
God bless Sen.Moran, from the great state of Kansas.
Rand/Cruz 2016!
I’m not sure Tim Scott is in D.C. today. We are posting to him that if he is, please go to the floor and support Paul.
Oh my. In all my nearly 6 decades I have not witnessed this except in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. How can this man be helped to keep this up?
You know that harry will use any trick he can find to end this and the longer it goes the more desperate he will become.
Does anybody think this will take up a following and life of its own?
They ought to take it at four-hour increments for him, so he can get some sleep.
I hear ya. I jumped off his presidential train last week. But I'll cheer for anyone who does the right thing.
First, I was thinking the DemLeftists might have him offed. Now, I am thinking he's in just as much danger from the GOPe Progressive Castratees.
It’s kind of a shame Sheets Byrd (GOD rest his soul) isn’t still around, as he was the king of filibusters. I’ll never forget his stories about his “ole dog Billie”.
Agree. I appreciate the other senators who have supported him, but in light of Rand’s self-imposed valiant load and determination, I consider their support rather fainthearted.
Rand Paul has now passed 7 [SEVEN] hours of substantive filibustering. Incredible!
In foregone times MSM would be suspending normal programming and carrying this live!
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