Why Liberals want to wreck a country is beyond me. Why not open the floodgates for commerce, have a real border policy, cut waste and fraud and unite people with a common language...?
Why do they work so hard to bring us to a Statist nightmare?
The present ruling class came of age in the '60s and early '70s. They idolized statist rulers. They think they can do it better. They're wrong. And amazingly stupid.
Their biggest fear is that the country will realize that most of the '60s and '70s crap they're trying to shoehorn into this era is as antiquated as the 8-track player. They fear irrelevance most of all.
“Why Liberals want to wreck a country is beyond me.”
The devil created statism for atheists, and islam for those who believe in a god.
Government is the god of staism, hate is the god of islam.
They both strive to destroy anything good left in this crappy world.