I really think I misunderstood but please know fully I understand your thought on having a Conservative Senate could only come to be by repealing the 17th till or until we would be overrun with those making up the majority inside of each state becoming overwhelmingly takers instead of makers. Either way it may not matter, regrettably, if we Conservatives (here in the present) allow the takers to overrun us. And taking over our nation and states by the takers is being facilitated by those who want to make the takers rule the day and this land. Americans, in their fifties may live to see it. A prayer I do not live to see it. Thankfully I am beyond the fifties. I do not wish this upon any of our people should the takers rule the day and win. May each of us live in interesting times? If I had my way I prefer boredom. My apology for this rant.
No, you've misunderstood. Follow me here: If you want a left-wing, big government Senate for perpetuity with a large chunk of states NEVER electing a Republican again or anytime soon (those being CA,CO,CT,DE,HI,IL,ME,MD,MA,MN,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,OR,RI,VT,WA,WV) and the rest electing nothing but big-government liberal RINO types (think McCain, Chafee, Snowe, Collins, Kirk, et al), you will be absolutely in favor of repealing the 17th. The best chance to get a BETTER Senate is to come up with a method to implement on a state-by-state basis something similar to Utah that weeds out the fakes through a pre-primary process, instituting runoffs (no liberals winning primaries through a split vote where they get a plurality)and CLOSING primary elections to halt Democrat chicanery.
I also suggest reading this thread from 10 days ago, which we extensively debated the subject.