Why do they keep saying, to the effect, that “it’s assumed that Chuck Hagel will be nominated?”
I don’t believe this.
What’s going on with the talking over each other on Meet the Depressed?
So why are we to “assume” that horrible traitor Hagel will be nominated?
Sounds like a stupid sound byte to me.
Caught a little of McCain yelling at the moron Dave.
I had to turn the tv off when I heard that the meeting in Europe to which Panetta is going this week was supposed to be Hagel’s “coming out party.” Just disgusting how these political experts perceive our country’s so-called leaders and their interactions with the leaders of other countries.
Also, apparently the Pentagon will implode if there is no SecDef for a few weeks. Can anyone tell me how many people work in the Pentagon? Anyone? How many Assistant SecDefs there are? Please?
You mean confirmed. There were 58 Aye votes to limit debate on his confirmation, last week. There are at least two Senators who will vote Aye the next time the opportunity comes up, McCain and Graham. That makes 60.