Your lack of vocabulary is matched only by your lack of skill in framing an argument.
It’s not my fault if Rubio has surrounded himself with incompetent handlers. The RNC used to have seminars where they’d teach the basics.
If someone is going to need water (which wouldn’t be unexpected under tv lights) you put it within easy reach, not where they have to awkwardly reach for it. It should have been a couple of feet closer and a foot higher.
And water breaks should be used for emphasis. He should be able to maintain eye contact with the camera while going for the water, not have to search for it on the desk.
His folks screwed up - whether it was sabotage by the country club republicans or mere lack of competence by an aide, he needs to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
To an intelligent human being, it was a total non-issue.
Only to a childish dither-headed control freak would it even be memorable.
His handlers, him, the GOPe, The GOP who ever, all of them and hime.
It shows doofussness and we’re all sick of it even the media.
These guys are all so scared of the Libs, the media, the voters BO.
They can not get their foooting because they are playing an unwinnable game and they know it.
THey don’t know it yet but they need to change the rules and it won’t be Rubio as front guy in a new game.
Rubio is a face and a talker. When he can’t get that right, he’s toast and he knows it.
He has no substance.
When you see “Lincoln”, which I de not necessarily like, you see a human side. He’s talking with his cabinet while crwling on the floor in front of the fireplace, shifting logs for mor flame.
He’s not a doofus because he is talking about something substantial.
BO talks about stuff he and his silly supporters find substantial. Rubio. What did he say?
If it didn’t reseble in the least way what Bill Flax said in today’s Forbes magazine column, then it’s utterly irrelevant and forgettable.
I’m just saying that “anyone but BO” can be very dangerous like a rebound romance. And that’s how Rubio is treated. He’s defended beyond reason.