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To: aMorePerfectUnion
"Post the facts. Let’s see how well you “instinctively” know things."

Ok, but you asked for it.

Joe Paterno had a member of his staff (McQueary) come to him on Saturday, February 10, 2001 and tell him that he witnessed a former member of his staff (Sandusky) in the football team's showers, naked, standing behind a boy he estimated to be 10 or 12 years old (also naked) with his hands wrapped around the boy's waist. He said the boy was facing a wall, with his hands on it. And that "it was very clear that it looked like there was intercourse going on" (A grand jury made up of every day normal Americans later correctly summarized McQueary's testimony as saying he "saw a naked boy ... with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky.").

Joe Paterno's response to this was (after slumping back in his chair) to tell McQueary "I’m sorry you had to see that. It’s terrible. I need to think and tell some people about what you saw..." And in Paterno's own words "I knew some kind of inappropriate action was being taken by Jerry Sandusky with a youngster...".

Now having a 2nd accusation against Sandusky (and information including the 1998 accusation of molesting two young boys in the same football showers, Sandusky's subsequent retirement & unusual retirement/compensation package allowing him to remain on campus and use it's facilities) Paterno did not contact the "appropriate" legal authorities. Instead he went to the same Campus staff that afforded Sandusky emeritus status retirement after the first accusation. Compounding that error, after seeing that Sandusky was still not going to be held accountable for actions that Paterno himself said were inapproriate, he chose not to go to the "appropriate" legal authorities. And as a result, Sandusky's abuse was allowed to continue for 7 more years until a victim came forward and did tell the "appropriate" legal authorities.

Those are the facts. They can be spun 20 different ways but they cannot be changed/disregarded/ignored. They are not taken from either report. They are from official court testimony (which carries a hell of a lot more weight than the Paterno Family funded investigation).


59 posted on 02/10/2013 11:47:33 AM PST by Brian_Casserly ("...I will bless them that bless thee (Israel), and curse him that curseth thee..." - Genesis 12:3)
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To: Brian_Casserly

But but McQueery didn’t tell Coach Paterno everything. The Coach thought Sandusky was up to his usual Tickle Monster shenanigans.

You know... in the locker room showers. Naked. With a naked little boy.

63 posted on 02/10/2013 11:57:03 AM PST by bluetick (If you're going to err, err on the side of liberty.)
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To: Brian_Casserly

Facts? You can’t possibly be serious. Those are made up facts. Please read my post just upthread from yours, where an expert FBI profiler address what really happened.

I realize you are a n00b here. I want to give you as much grace as I can. What you described was as factual as Tina Fey, dressed to look like Sarah Palin and saying “I can see Russia from my front porch.” It amazes me how many people now think Palin said that.

65 posted on 02/10/2013 12:05:49 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (Gone rogue, gone Galt, gone international, gone independent. Gone.)
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To: Brian_Casserly
(A grand jury made up of every day normal Americans later correctly summarized McQueary's testimony as saying he "saw a naked boy ... with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky.").

McQueary said that that is not what he testified to before the Grand Jury.

What he testified to in the Sandusky trial was different and the jury there made up of every day normal Americans later summarized McQueary's testimony as a grooming incident and acquitted Sandusky of the rape charge in this McQueary incident.

But please don't let the facts get in the way of your lynching.

BTW Welcome to Free Republic, Newbee!!!

77 posted on 02/10/2013 12:51:56 PM PST by Uncle Chip
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To: Brian_Casserly

Care to respond to my #51?

86 posted on 02/10/2013 1:20:00 PM PST by NittanyLion
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To: Brian_Casserly; Uncle Chip; NittanyLion; FlJoePa; aMorePerfectUnion

Graham Spanier was president of Penn State since 1995. He arrived on campus vowing to make Penn State the most "gay friendly" campus in America. Apparently he succeeded beyond his wildest imagination. After seventeen years as Penn State president, do you suppose that "gay friendly" Spanier had influenced the selection of more than a few trustees???

Do you suppose that most Americans who could name a single person associated with Penn State, would name Joe Paterno, America's winningest college football coach or would they name Graham Spanier (probably a name unknown to 99+% of Americans?

The one known actual perpetrator of child rape remains Gerry Sandusky. He is doing hard time at the State Pen. It will get a lot harder if he is put into general population with a few hundred guys named Big Bubba. Prisoners really despise kiddie rapers.

There is no circumstance in which Joe Paterno is known to have failed in his contractual obligation imposed by Penn State to report exclusively to university higher ups in a well-established chain of command. At the top of that particular food chain was Graham "Gay Friendly" Spanier, but Spanier was protected in a sense since the chain prudently provided him with "buffers" to preserve his plausible deniability, as politicians might say since the days of Watergate. Joe Paterno was to report any information as to criminal activity ONLY to people such as Schultz and Curley. One of them (I believe it was Schultz) was a total civilian who was in charge of the Penn State University Police Department. Investigations by Penn State University police can be quashed at the outset when people like Paterno are forbidden to report directly to them but must go through CYA university civilian bureaucrats who are going to protect the university and its big shots (by which I do not mean 80+ year old football coaches).

Universities have their own police departments as a means of keeping conventional law enforcement off campus lest the university be embarrassed by negative publicity. If anyone called the Pennsylvania State Police, the Center County Sheriff's Office or the Bellefont Police Department, the uniform response would have been: That's not our jurisdiction and you will have to call the Penn State University Police. Paterno was contractually required NOT to report anything to the Penn State University police but ONLY to their civilian supervisor.

I very much doubt and disagree with your rendition of what you claim are the "facts" as to what McQueary observed, what he reported to Paterno and when he reported. There are also claims that McQueary has often changed his story even when under oath. I won't ask you to take my word for it any more than I am taking yours. I will further check and, if you are right, I won't be bashful about saying so and admitting I am wrong. For now, we are in disagreement on those factual allegations. Until I double check, I don't want to waste your time, my time or anyone else's in a tit for tat argument over what McQueary saw, heard or re[ported and to whom. I would observe that whatever McQueary actually witnessed, he had, if anything, a higher responsibility, IF he witnessed a crime, to personally report that crime to law enforcement. For him, as the actual claimed witness, to fail to do so is the felony called "misprision of a felony."

Louis Freeh's major credential in life is that Slick Willie appointed him to head the FBI. I don't remember Freeh doing a particularly good job at FBI. OTOH, I have never been much of a fan of GOP-E Thornburgh's either. It may well be that, whatever the facts, each of these lawyers was respectively dancing with the girl what brung him.

Additional items that are not yet referenced here up to and including your #59 is the curious disappearance and apparent murder (he has now been declared dead by the courts although never found) of Center County's veteran elected prosecutor Ray Gricar who disappeared in April of 2005. His car was found in Lewisburg in the parking lot of an antique store. His laptop was found relatively nearby in the Susquehenna River with its hard drive removed. The hard drive was found damaged beyond retrieval of any stored information about 100 yards further downstream. Gricar was believed to have been investigating Sandusky. I practiced criminal law for decades. I cannot imagine why it is that local law enforcement in Pennsylvania would EVER allow the investigation of the disappearance and probable murder of an elected official much less an elected district attorney to gather dust on the shelf.

Sandusky had set up a tax-free foundation: The Second Mile Foundation to arrange recreation for fatherless boys by arranging for them to be taken on various adventures by men including (surprise!) Gerry Sandusky. I would like to know whether any of Penn State University's big shots or trustees were, like Sandusky, "volunteers" for the foundation. Wouldn't you?

Most of all, I would like to see Graham "Gay Friendly" Spanier investigated relentlessly and, if appropriate, indicted, convicted and sentenced to the maximum available sentence in general population with Sandusky and Big Bubba X 200.

As a sports fan, I care almost exclusively for the New York Yankees. It would be nice if the Cubs would finally win a World Series for the first time since 1908. You could not pay me to watch basketball. Other than this year's magnificent ass-whuppin' of Notre Shame by Alabama, I have little to no interest in college football. I imagine that the pope rooted for Alabama as well. I have occasional but not very recent interest in pro football. My only connection to Penn State would be that I once drove past its football complex in the off season while driving through Happy Valley to visit Yalie college friends at their hobby farm a good distance from Penn State. I admire excellence and Joe Paterno apparently exemplified excellence as a coach and he deserves his reputation back.

146 posted on 02/10/2013 4:26:42 PM PST by BlackElk (Dean of Discipline, Tomas de Torquemada Gentlemen's Society: Rack 'em, Danno)
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