MTP Round Table
Gersen, WaPo, rightly points out what obama is proposing to Republicans - “Give up spending cuts for tax increaes.” No Republican is going to go for that.
Mike McCurry (? I think) If obama would be willing to deal with entitlement reform, Republicans would deal with him on everything else and ignore the rest of us, Brings up that obama is ruining the immigration deal when he gets involved. Refers to Rubio and Jeb Bush as “heroes” in the immigration debate. (lolol - yep, my kind of heroes)
Who is the black dude on MTP - using phrases like Republicans showed him the back of their hand. That guys is an idiot. Says obama has shown Boeher he is willing to deal with them (???) He has a huge chip on his shoulder.
Isakoff on killing Americans with drones - plays John Brennan sound bite - only teakes actions to save lives. (???)
Katty Kay - BBC - we are turning large numbers in Pakistan, Yemen against us.
Gregory asks what are the limits of drone technology - could we use drones to capture and kill Dorner in California? (oh, go for it, obama)
Isakoff - obama has incentive to do this. The total number of Americans killed under obama is three - same as number of terrorists who were waterboarded. (what the heck is he implying????)
They are all morons on this issue, IMO. Don’t they realize there are plenty of people on the left (their audience), who actually are TOTALLY against this policy.