Not quite.
At present, if nothing changes, sequestration for the DoD enters into Tier 2, where Navy civilian personnel are looking a 22 days of furlough or a 20% pay cut for the rest of FY13.
They aren’t too sure if they are going to push the 1 day/ week or straight 22 day furlough plan yet.
This is just public posturing before the SHTF.
Ditto for Dept of Army civilians. 22 days of furlough beginning on or about April 1st. Probably 1 day per week. Of course, my branch has already lost 2 of 6 positions in the last 2 years; and the output requirements have not decreased.
How about a pay CUT for these government “workers”? Has anyone ever seen most of those bums do anything really worthwhile for any purpose? I realize there are a few exceptions, but generally government “workers” is a misnomer.