Since you asked:
Sandy Hook Timeline deciphered from police dispatch [developing]:
9:35 The first shots are fired; followed by 911 calls to the police.
9:36 Police are dispatched to the school.
9:36:35 An individual reports broken glass window at the front door and doesnt know why its broken.
9:37:15 Same individual still on the phone with dispatch reports shots continuing from inside the school.
9:37:45~ The 10 kids in Sotos room make a break for it.
9:38:15+ First officer arrives and reports that shooting had stopped. Other officers begin arriving on the scene. Search the vehicle? and establish a perimeter.
9:39+ The individual [who was on phone with dispatch?] is chased into the woods and taken him into custody. Other officers begin entering the school from front and back.
9:40 Police find the bodies of the principal and psychologist; request two ambulances.
9:40~ Two mothers spot the kids running toward the firehouse on their way up to the school.
9:42~ The two mothers are at the front door of the school, notice the quiet, the broken glass, the 4 doors of Lanza’s car open, black sweatshirts on the ground.
9:46 Shooter fires final shots and kills himself.
9:55:25: Police advise of multiple weapons, one rifle and a shotgun.
10:30 Police walk 4 students that had left the school previously [Rosen’s house?] to the fire station.
Thank you