I often wonder why the left loves the group that kills gays and treats women like dirt. The left claims that it supports gays and women.
Something bigger is in play. The middle eastern group that the left loves actually has similar goals. Both the left and the cultists want to destroy Christianity and Judaism, their cultural artifacts and their moral and ethical systems. Both want to impose a totalitarian rule over all of society and all the world.
That is why no one can deny that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Our worst enemy is no longer Obama, the leftist or the Muslims.
Its the QUISLING COLLABORATORS in the Mainstream Media.
Recently that piece of garabage Michael Bloomberg gave a college a donation of $1 Billion. You can be SURE that money didn’t come without strings.
It would be very interesting to see who is funneling money into the mainstream media and the pockets of their executives and how much they are getting.
My guess is Soros etc, along with with the Oil Sheikdoms BOUGHT them, lock, stock and barrel.
I probably won’t be alive to LMAO but I would love to have a front row seat and plenty of buttered popcorn when the muzzies take over and the commie stooges of NBC, CBS and all the other garbage commie media are lead up on stage at Carnegie Hall and beheaded on live TV!!!! Nelson Ha Ha!
The MSM is the State Controlled Media (SCM).
Boycott Comcast they own MSNBC! The corporate leadership of Comcast is reflective of the on air personalities of MSNBC! A Peter principle, upside down, pyramid of a company waiting to topple over, to the left of course!