A felony for a metal box? Five felonies for five metal boxes? It's a screaming outrage, it's a knife in the gut of every patriotic American who fought to defend this nation and our way of life.
We need to stop dithering around about shades of illegality in illegal laws, stop hoping that someone some day will eventually have enough money to drag every last one of 100,000 infringements across the nation up the Supreme Court steps and beg them for their pearls of wisdom on the meaning of the phrase "shall not be infringed," so that we might perhaps in 50,000 years regain the fundamental human right of Self-Defense from their Benevolent Hand.
Remember, they can't fit 80 million American gun owners in prison, even though they've started to try with Sgt. Haddad.
My impression is that most people think Haddad is an early victim of Cuomo's recent action, and pointing out that this is a longer-standing law is meant to correct that error.
I agree completely with your sentiment. The government is out of control. The courts are also complicit. I was asked to review and study Hamblen's case (Tennessee, possession of machine guns) and the court flat out ignores or radically misconstrues long-standing precedent. This is a chronic occurrence and circumstance.
I have the same sort of respect for the government that I do for the Mafia. They are scum, but they are also killers.