How much was the insurance on the satellite? Did it also have a loss of income clause in which the fees charged by the satellite company that are lost are covered?
What is the financial situation of the company that was to own and own and operate the satellite? Was it funded by the US Government in any respect?
How far in advance of the launch was it paid for? Did the Russians guarantee their product?
What was it to be used for any be whom?
Are the launchers to be responsible?
I would sure like to follow the money trail on this one.
Rockets into space have been around a long time.
What was the defect?
I smell one big rat on this one and it has Mideast chicanery written all over it.
Surely comrade you know this was an accident! Or do you want a visit from Comrade Cousin Borislav and his friend Comrade Moose of the KGB?