You are a disgusting animal who idolizes a pedophile psychopath. Your religion and way of life is an insult to humanity, your treatment of women as lesser than men is a testament to the weak insecurity of Muslim men. I am proudly middle eastern Christian, I am proud of my heritage and I am proud that even with your barbaric disgusting religion polluting the region and forcing people to leave that there are still Christians standing strong. Your time will come, little do you idiots realize that you are sowing the seeds of your own destruction. You are helped by the liberal moron but even they will eventually wise up with time, when they realize you are the opposite of liberal, you are the opposite of human and opposite of everything western civilization stands for.
I would never hurt another human but I would sincerely feel no remorse if te entirety of your kind was wiped out.
And by the way your Syrian freedom fighters are Libyan Egyptian afghani Saudi and Qataris sprinkled with a few Syrian terrorists. Actually terrorist implies you are human, but in reality you are lower than animals and undeserving of a classification as human.
I am christian.
If you are indeed a christian then explain why you support the shia alliance from Iran’s Ahmadinejad to Leqbanon’s Hisbollah, not to mention Iraq’s Maliki, who have been preventing butcher Assad to fall.
Eplain as well why you “proudly” support the shia Iraq butchers (Maliki & Ci) whi wiped out 80% of the chrisitans in Iraq in the last 10 years.
What I don’t understand is why this mozlem troll is still here. I just do not get it.