Molon Labe says it all...States our position and expresses defiance...All at once...
Anyone who prefers a more modern symbolic expression, rooted in our own struggle for Independence from England may prefer “4.19.75”...The date of the battles of Lexington and Concord...
Also started over guns and an attempt at confiscation...Led to the Seige of Boston...
I like “4.19.75” as well...And very distinctly American!
Okay, so here’s my next question to all of us. It’s clearly and obivious in order for successive victory. How will we communicate with each other? From city to city, from State to State. When the SHTF, what now? We will not be able to just call one another and the internet will quickly be shut down.
Okay, so here’s my next question to all of us. It’s clearly and obvious in order for successive victory. How will we communicate with each other? From city to city, from State to State. When the SHTF, what now? We will not be able to just call one another and the internet will quickly be shut down.