The most brutal and bloody wars in Rome were between fellow Romans. After the Social War, and then the Civil war between Caesar and Pompey, Rome had a civil war so often it became expected.
It was very common for a legion to attack a fellow legion that it had fought side by side with a short time before. There are records of father and son fighting each other on the field.
They followed orders. That is what soldiers do. Expecting that the US military will not kill US citizens is foolish. They have a long history of following orders. Look at the attack on the Bonus army, crowd control with machine guns (Gatling) during the Civil War, and Katrina of you don’t believe me.
“Look at the attack on the Bonus army...”
How about you tell me how the US Army attacked the Bonus army. Links are fine, but if you can tell me, in your own words, how the army attacked the Bonus vets on the Potomac, that will do. In fact, I’d prefer that. I’m real curious to explore the genesis of where some FReepers got this idea from.