Whatever is done must NOT include a path to citizenship that includes the right to vote. There must be some penalty for illegal immigration in the first place and this also punishes any politician or party that viewed illegal immigrants as a future voting block.
The whole reason this bill exists is that both sides ‘think’ they will be getting these votes, so there’s no way it would include a ban on voting. One side is right; our side is wrong.
I think that we should demand that any path to citizenship require self sufficiency meaning that one can not be receiving public assistance of any kind nor can their dependents as a condition for a citizenship appplication. Also for illegals there should be a penalty of 10 years before they can apply for citizenship. The bar should be set high so we do not continue to produce an alien voting block that is essentially slave labor and a ward of the state.
The Heritage Foundation concluded that the cost of amnesty would be $2.6 trillion just for increased entitlement program costs. And the number of additional LEGAL immigrants who would join those who were the recipients of amnesty through chain migration, i.e., family reunification, would approach 70 million over a 20-year period, assuming there are only 12 million illegal aliens. We cannot assimilate such numbers. An amnesty would destroy the United States of America with the stroke of a pen.
And yes these people will be allowed to vote once they complete their "earned path to citizenship." This country is finished. Amnesty just hastens the process. The Dems will be the permanent majority party if they are not already nationally.